
Thursday, 11 October 2012

Raspberry Soymilk Jelly

除了 panna cotta外,Jelly这一个甜品是非常少出现在我家的一个甜品。 那天做了jelly月饼后,大多数都拿去派掉。那天看到Ann上了她的Soymilk Jelly Mooncake后,有点心动,因为样子酷似Panna Cotta。过后心里常盘算着用什么方式来呈现这个甜品。

然后就去了巴厘岛忽然发现一家比较像样的烘培店,看到时,店铺已经打烊了,所以第二天第一个节目就是去找那家店。还好taxi 在巴厘岛不贵所以请司机绕着大街一路去找那家店。进去店里第一个心动的就是这个silicon模。第一个idea就是Annsoymilk jelly。买! 后来也随便买了几样合心意的物品,出来了,又叫司机再等一会,再进去买过。哈哈。。反正都来了就买到够吧,巴厘岛除了吃饭,也没什么用钱的地方。
喔,后来发现这家店(Pantry Magic)吉隆坡也有两家分行。他么家的物品很多都法国进口,物品还蛮好看的。


喔。。一讲到买东西就离题了,ok。。讲回这个Jelly了。。。 一道简单又有营养的甜品,很合我心意。这里介绍一下一个甜品多种吃法,在家也可浪漫吃甜品,不用上法国餐厅也可以有法式的享受。

Soy Milk & Raspberry Jelly

625g Soy Milk (reduced sugar)
10g Sugar
2.5tsp agar agar powder (I used 6g)

2 tbsp raspberry puree (blend about 10 raspberry till fine)

1) Mix all ingredients in a pot, bring to boil at medium heat.

2) Keep stirring during the process. Once it is boiled, leave the stove and continue to stir
for another
 minutes. Sift the soymilk jelly. 

3) Divide the mixture into two portions. 2/3 with original soymilk flavor and 1/3 add with raspberry puree(B)

4) Pour the soya milk jelly into the mould till ¾ full. Wait until it it slightly set and scratch the surface of the jelly with a tooth pick. Then, pour over the hot raspberry soy jelly.

5) Cool and leave it to set in the refrigerator.

Recipe adapted from : Anncoo Journal 

Raspberry Soymilk Jelly with Mango Macadamia Ice-Cream and Candied Peanut

Raspberry Soymilk with Raspberry Coulis

Raspberry Coulis
120g raspberries,75g icing sugar,
2 teaspoons lemon juice

Cook puree raspberries with sugar in a saucepan to a coating consistency. Strain through fine sieve if you want a fine finish.