
Sunday 11 November 2012

Chocolate Banana Mousse Cake (巧克力香蕉慕斯蛋糕)

记得刚来到柏斯朋友介绍我去一家有名的café吃店里的香蕉巧克力蛋糕。真的挺好吃的,也顺道问了店里是否有卖一整个蛋糕和要卖价钱。答案是一个蛋糕是要卖一百二十块澳元(三百六十块马币),第一个反应是“哇,吃金么?”是在黄金地带的café也不需要标这个价吧!好久都不要再去那家café喝茶了,香蕉巧克力蛋糕的味道也记不起了。但是那天忽然很想做这个看了想了很久的香蕉巧克力慕斯蛋糕,于是建议再去光顾“金”店试试蛋糕的滋味。不知道是不是换了烘焙师,那个巧克力香蕉蛋糕不再橱窗了,换了香蕉巧克力芝士蛋糕了, 价钱也换了去一百四十快了!天啊!我还是回家刻苦自己做吧!

其实食谱是看了很久,但是我不擅长做装饰蛋糕,也不擅长和巧克力打交道,所以每次都把计划一再打消。我的第一个慕斯蛋糕(芒果慕斯蛋糕)终于在上个月诞生了,觉得慕斯蛋糕没有比想像中的难,而且也不用很花技巧的装饰(最重要的是,我不擅长涂奶油霜,也没有转盘。。快了快了。。妹妹帮我买了。。呵呵)。这么一来,我就只好往不用涂奶油霜的蛋糕趋向走去。感觉上这个巧克力慕斯蛋糕比之前的芒果蛋糕来得复杂一些。但是能很肯定的告诉大家,付出的努力是会值会票价的喔! 这个巧克力香蕉慕斯蛋糕我个人非常喜欢,苦甜巧克力加上牛奶巧克力,苦中带甜,还夹着微微香蕉的香甜。用了小鸟,田园风装饰,让吃着蛋糕时有种很自在,很享受和很幸福的滋味。


Chocolate Chiffon Cake Base :
2 Egg Whites

35g Fine Sugar

1/4 Tsp cream of tartar

2 Egg Yolks

20g Fine Sugar

50g Milk

24g Corn Oil

53g cake flour

15g cocoa powder (Sift together
with cake flour)


1) Prepare and line a 16cm baking tin. In a clean bowl, whisk egg white and sugar. Add cream of tartar and whisk till stiff peak.

2) In another bowl, whisk egg yolks, sugar until combine.
add milk and corn oil to egg yolk mixture then fold in sifted flour mixture.

3) Fold in egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture in 3 portions

4) Bake at 170°C for around 35 minutes or till skewer comes clean. When cake is out of the oven, immediately invert the tin and leave the cake in the tin to cool completely. Slice the cake horizontally into 2 slices.

Milk chocolate mousse:
130g  Milk chocolate, chopped
40g Whipping cream (1)
150g Whipping cream (2)
2g gelatine

Dark chocolate mousse:
110g Dark chocolate (50% cocoa mass), chopped (I used Lindt dessert 70% cocoa)
40g  Whipping cream (1)
170g Whipping cream (2)
2g gelatine


2  Bananas, sliced and sprinkle with some lemon juice

1.) Cut the sponge into 2 -15cm rounds.
2. ) Place one of the sponge in the 17cm pan lined with foil (or dessert ring).
3.) Sprinkle the syrup over the cake, and place the banana slices over the cake.

Make the milk chocolate mousse:
1) Heat the whipping cream (1) until just come to boil. Sprinkle with gelatin powder and leave it for a few minutes. Stir the cream until gelatin has dissolved.

2) Meantime, heat the milk chocolate in microwave oven (50% power) for 1 minute and stir. Heat it again in the microwave oven until chocolate melted (stop and check every 30 sec).

3) Pour the cream with melted gelatine over the chocolate and fold to combine

4) Let the chocolate mixture cool before mixing with the whipped cream.
When the chocolate mixture cool, whip the whipping cream(2)  until ribbon stage.

5) Pour 1/3 of the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture and fold to combine.

5) Pour the chocolate mixture back into the whipped cream bowl and fold to combine.

7) Pour the mousse into prepared pan. Refrigerate 10- 15 minutes until it is slightly set.

8) Place another sponge in the pan. Sprinkle the syrup over the cake, and place the banana slices over the cake.

Make the dark chocolate mousse:
1) Heat the whipping cream (1) until just come to boil. Sprinkle with gelatin powder and leave it for a few minutes. Stir the cream until gelatin has dissolved.

2) Meantime, heat the dark chocolate in microwave oven (50% power) for 1 minute and stir. Heat it again in the microwave oven until chocolate melted (stop and check every 30 sec).

3) Pour the cream with melted gelatine over the chocolate and fold to combine

4) Let the chocolate mixture cool before mixing with the whipped cream.
When the chocolate mixture cool, whip the whipping cream(2)  until ribbon stage.

5) Pour 1/3 of the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture and fold to combine.

6) Pour the chocolate mixture back into the whipped cream bowl and fold to combine.

7) Pour the mousse into prepared pan. Refrigerate for overnight or until firm.

Recipe adapted from : Dailydelicious

To serve the cake with caramelized banana, simply cut banana into slices, sprinkle a tsp of caster sugar on top of each slice, and burn with blow torch until caramelized.