那天看到macaroons premix 粉,很好奇,想试试看它的成功率,于是兴高采烈的买了一包回家试试。当Wing 和Sinkaan来的时候,快快拿那包粉出来“howlian”一下,那里知道“howlian”变成“liaolian”就有。。。出来的成品不止是难看,还难吃极了。我们连sandwich那个filling都不要,结果将全部都丢掉,免得浪费我的ganache。
告诉Wing我一定要好好的再做一次italian meringue的macarons。 French 和italian meringue 的macarons都做过,但是还是喜欢italian meringue (煮过糖浆)做出来的成品。虽然,过程因需煮糖浆稍微麻烦了一些,但是在接下来的搅拌功夫上其实比较容易掌握面糊的合适的浓度。反之,French meringue虽然省下煮糖浆的过程,但是这样打发的蛋白稳定性较弱,在和粉类搅拌时容易破坏蛋白组织,所以搅拌过程需多加注意。
不管用哪种蛋白霜做出来的macarons,味道还是一样,因为用料都一样。 但是我认为口感和外观,french meringue做出来的macarons是不及italian meringue来的优秀。
这两款口味的macarons之前也做过,念念不忘Adriano Zumbo这个vegemite口味的macarons。因为macarons本身属偏甜,vegemite 巧克力酱带咸所以这个甜咸搭配是我很喜欢的。给同事们猜这个口味没人猜中,大家都以为是salted caramel口味,对。。。那口味还真的瞒像的。今天这个食谱, 我用了The Secrets of Macarons 和 Adriano Zumbo的食谱结合而成的。就在这里就和大家分享这个用italian meringue做出两种不同口味的macaroons。
p/s:上了这个贴子,要和大家说Bye bye一个礼拜了。。在巴厘岛和你们一起庆中秋。
200g ground almonds
200g icing sugar (I used 180g)
75ml water
200g caster sugar ( I used 170g)
2 x 80g egg whites
white food colouring (for lemon curd macaroons)
1 tsp chocolate paste
(for chocolate vegemite macaroons)
1) Blend ground almond and icing sugar in a
blender until smooth (I blend about 2 minutes). Sift the mixture 2- 3 times.
2.) Put the egg white in an electric mixer with a
whisk attachment. Put the sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat and stir
until sugar dissolved. Use a clean pastry brush to brush down the side of the
pan to avoid any crystallisation.
3) Gently beat 80g egg whites to soft peaks, then
increase the beater speed once the temperature of the syrup passes 105 C. When
syrup reaches 115C, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the syrup into
the beaten egg whites in a thin stream. Continue to beat the meringue for 10
minutes, so that it cools down a little.
4.) Combine the sifted icing sugar and almond
with the remaining egg whites (80g), making a smooth almond paste. Divide the
mixture to 2 equal portions, one mix in chocolate paste and the other mix in
white colouring.
5.) Divide the meringue into two equal portions. Working
with one batch at a time. Using a smooth spatula, incorporate about 1/3 of the
meringue into the almond paste in order to loosen the mixture a little, then
add the rest of the meringue.
6.) Fill a piping bag with an 8mm nozzle with
batter, pipe out small (3-4cm) well spaced rounds. ( I used the template that I
printed out from Here )
8.) Lightly tap the bottom of the trays and allow
them to form a crust at room temperature for about 30 minutes. ( I left mine
for about 1 hour).
9.) Bake
in preheat oven 135C for 16-17 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside for
2 minutes then carefully remove on macaroon with spatula to check that the base
is cooked and dry. If it is still slightly sticky, return the macaroons back to
the oven for another 2-3 minutes. Once macaroons come out from the oven, cool
them completely on the tray.
10.) Assemble the macaroons with vegemite ganache
and lemon curd.
Vegemite Ganache:
90g whipping cream (35% fat)
110g white couverture chocolate, chopped or
20g Vegemite
25g fresh breadcrumbs
60g unsalted butter, chopped and softened
Store bought lemon curd
1.) Put the cream in a saucepan over medium heat
and bring to the boil.
2.) Put the chocolate and Vegemite in a bowl.
Pour over the hot cream and set aside for 2 minutes.
Stir until the mixture is smooth. Stir in the
breadcrumbs. Then cool the mixture to 50C.
3.) Blitz the butter with a stick mixer until
smooth. Allow the ganache to cool and become firm enough to pipe.