
Thursday 13 September 2012

芋香燕菜月饼 (Yam Jelly Mooncake)

妈妈七月份要来就拜托妹妹去帮我jelly模和jelly蛋黄模。 我妹妹是完全没有做糕的趣和知,所以就什么是jelly蛋黄模啦?? 形容了半天还是“gonggong”。我就告诉她你去烘焙点跟aunty讲她就会明白了。果然,蛋黄模和jelly月饼模有买到,但是不知真么的我的蛋黄模不是鸭蛋模而是鸟蛋模,小到可怜哈哈!后来奋身的到处去扑看找到大粒一点的模吗,看来现在的人结冰格都要求pattern pattern的款式,这种一粒型的没有人要了,于是扑了很久都找不到。小鸟蛋也罢,有个型就可以了啦!

我从来没有吃过jelly月饼,也不知道自己的jelly软硬是否适中。但是这个食谱的皮我倒觉得有点硬。 不知道作者是刻意这样将皮做得硬韧一点然后夹着比较松软的芋香馅,来成就这样一个Q一个松的配搭。后来google了其他朋友的燕菜月饼如果用25g的燕菜粉大概都用了2000ml的水。所以下次若有机会再做我要把水份稍微加一点。


Jelly Egg Yolk
160ml water
25g caster sugar
½ tsp salt
¼ Tbsp (2g) agar-agar powder
1 piece pandan leaf

1 Tbsp evaporated milk ( I substitute with fresh milk)
½ Tbsp custard powder
few drops of orange food colouring

Yam Filling
160ml water
140g Yam (steam till soft and mash)

65g caster sugar
8g agar agar powder
pinch of salt

140g thick coconut milk

Jelly Mooncake Skin
1300ml water (I found the skin is a bit too set, next time I am going to try  to add in another 500ml water to make it 1800ml)
25g agar agar powder
50g caster sugar ( I used 100g)

food colouring

1. Jelly Egg Yolk: Combine ingredients A in a pot. Bring to boil. Turn off the flame and discard the pandan leaf. Stir in ingredient B, bring the mixture to boil and immediately remove from the stove. Fill ice cube tray with mixture an set aside to set.

2. Jelly Filling: Blend ingredient C in a blender till smooth mixture. Pour into a pan and add ingrideitns D. Cook and stir constantly until boil.  Add in E into the mixture and continue to cook and stir until boil.  Pour the mixture into small cups. Place an set jelly egg yolk in the middle. Leave aside to set.

3. Jelly Mooncake Skin: Combine ingredient F in a pot and bring to boil.  Add in preferred colours (G) and pour some jelly mixture to the mooncake mould. Allow to set slightly. Score the jelly surface with a tooth pick and place the prepared jelly filling in the centre. Fill the moon cake mould with the remaining jelly mixture. (I heat up the remianing mixture again before filling up the mould . This is to avoid the jelly becomes separated after they set). Set aside to cool to room temperature and refrigerate until they are chill and firm. Remove the jelly and serve cold.

Recipe adapted from : 花前月下,Mooncake Sonata by Alan Ooi, pg,81

芋头馅料和燕菜蛋黄 (Yam filling & Jelly egg yolk)
