
Friday 16 March 2012

Cinnamon Panna Cotta with Slow Roast Pear

记得两年前带家婆到Swan Valley一家餐厅庆祝生日时,吃过一次很好吃的panna cotta,那个甜点一直念念不忘。后来上个月请老公到一家日本餐厅庆生,我又点了panna cotta(意大利鲜奶油布丁)这个甜点 (white chocolate, roast tea and berry panna cotta ume plum gelee)因为这个名字有一点看不懂后面三个字,所以很好奇。喔!这甜点这是太好吃了,很有层次感,可以想象有巧克力,又有绿茶香,还有莓的甜酸,真的好到不得了。隔了一周,我们又带了父母去同一家餐厅,我就试了另一个绿茶tiramisu甜点,哎呀,真后悔,早知就不要换plan,所以那个panna cotta的隐就一直这样吊着。过后就看到Min家上了panna cotta,后来又到星星厨房上了,我就更心痒痒了。。现在该轮到我上这道甜品解解隐了吧!


Panna Cotta:
2 cups (500ml) pure (thin) cream
125ml milk
3 cinnamon quills
½ tsp ground cinnamon
55g caster sugar
2 tsp gelatin powder
2 tbs brandy

Slow-rosted pears:
4 pears (Williams or beurre bosc)
6 sage leaves
110g firmly packed brown sugar

Method : (make 6)
1. Combine the cream, milk, cinnamon quills, ground cinnamon and caster sugar in a small pan over medium heat. Bring to simmer, then remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 1 hour.

2. Reheat the cream mixture over low heat. Set aside.

3. Sprinkle gelatine into a small bowl or cup containing 2 tablespoons of hot water, stirring constantly, then place the bowl into a container of boiling water and stir constantly until completely dissolved and transparent.  Add the dissolved gelatin into the hot cream, stirring well to combine.

4. Stir in the brandy, then strain through a fine sieve into a jag. Pour mixture into six ½ cup (125ml) ramekins and chill in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight.

5. Meanwhile for the pears, preheat oven to 160 C. Peel, halve and core the pears, leaving the stems intact.

6. Place the sage leaves, brown sugar and 1/3 cup water in a flameproof casserole and stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved. Add the pears and transfer to the oven. Cook for 3 hours until pears are very tender. Cool.

7. When ready to serve, run a knife around the edge of each mould to loosen. Then, invert the panna cotta onto plates. Divide pears among plates, then drizzle with any remaining pears syrup and serve.

Recipe adapted from: Delicious, More Please, ABC Books, pg.120