今天这个红豆面包卷是用了两个一路来都一直在远方默默自持我的部落格朋友 :Jessie和Bernice家的食谱和idea而构造成的。那天看到Jessie家上了这个红豆面包卷真的很感兴趣,再说做了红豆相思蛋糕剩下的红豆馅就有了用途了。Bernice家的面包是家喻户晓的,这次用了她家的汤种面团来做这个面包卷,真的很棒!
今天和老公喝咖啡时,叫他任选要相思还是要面包。他指着相思说:this is boring, 然后指着红豆面包说:
this is amazing。哎呦。。。这样的结论真的不知是好气还是好笑!
高筋粉 181g
低筋粉 50g
细砂糖 40g
盐 3g
奶粉 10g
蛋 25g
水 116g
无盐奶油 25g
红豆馅料, 分成25g,揉成圆团
糖份30g, 低筋面粉50g,奶粉5g, 无盐奶油40g
2. 分割成每份60g面团,滚圆盖保鲜膜松弛15分钟。
3. 擀成圆形,翻面、包入馅料(图1),收口(图2)。将收口朝下,擀成椭圆长形18cm x 9cm(图3)。将表面划上五刀(图4),手抓上下两端顺势卷(图5),卷成麻花装(图6),放在烤盘上。
4. 把烤盘放入烤箱, 先不开火。 烤箱里放一杯热水,发酵40分钟或至双倍大。
5. 酥松粒:将糖份, 低粉和奶粉混合,再加入奶油用手轻轻搓成均匀的细小颗粒。
6. 发酵好的面团取出,刷蛋液,洒上酥松粒。送入预热烤箱
180°C 烘18-20分钟。
Water Roux:
40g Bread Flour,
40g boiling water
Bread Dough:
181g bread flour, 50g plain flour, 3g active dry yeast, 38g water roux, , 40g sugar, 3g salt, 10g milk powder, 25g egg, 116g water,
25g unsalted butter
Red bean filling:
175g red bean paste (divide to 7x 25g
icing sugar 30g, low protein flour 50g, milk powder 5g, unsalted butter
Method :
1. Mix water roux ingredients together
in a bowl. Cover bowl with cling wrap and store in fridge overnight.
2. Mix all ingredients (A) at slow
speed for 4 mins.
3. Add butter and increasing kneading
speed to medium high.
4. Continue kneading for 15-20 mins
until dough is no longer sticky and does not break when pulled to perform
window test.
5. Place dough in a slightly oiled
bowl. Cover with cling wrap and leave to proof until double in size.
6. Roll the dough into 7 x 60g round
ball and leave to proof for 15mins.
7. Flatten the dough and wrap with
red bean filling(Pic 1). Seal the dough tight (pic 2). Roll into an oval shape 18cm x 9 cm (pic 3). Use a sharp knife to score 5 long lines on the dough surface (pic 4). Hold two ends and twist in one direction (pic 5). Tie a knot to shape (pic 6).
9. Leave to proof until double in
size (about 1 hour).
10. Mean while make the crumbles. Mix
icing sugar, low protein flour and milk powder well. Using
your fingertips, rub ingredients with unsalted butter resembles fine breadcrumbs.
11. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle
with crumbles and bake at preheated 180C for 18-20 mins until brown.