
Thursday 13 December 2012

Cherry Cheesecake & Orange Panna Cotta with Mango Gelée

这是我2012年最后一个贴子了,这几天还是很忙碌的在工作,然后就要急急的收拾行李和老公度假去。 这是上个礼拜我们家温馨的圣诞晚餐。之前也提及和家婆商讨了今年一切从简,所以大家各自准备一道菜肴,那么我就自然比较轻松,不必一人独苦!!

Starter Salmon Roulade(家婆负责)
Side:    Potato Salad (姑姑负责)
Dessert:  Cherry Cheesecake (我负责)
               Orange Panna Cotta with Mango Gelée. (我负责)

当天的晚餐虽然简单,但是都合大家口味,尤其喜欢家婆Salmon Roulade。 食谱她说以后才补上。吃着吃着,姑姑问起怎么没拍主菜和她的salad,喔,对hor。。但是食物已经一半在肚子里了啦,抱歉抱歉。呵呵。。。!那样也好,不用老是要客人等我拍照才可以动刀叉对吧!

这褶贴子整理得有点仓促,希望见谅了。在这里还是要谢谢大家一年来支持Helena‘Kitchen。 也祝大家圣诞和新年快乐!

Cherry Cheesecake

*To prepare the cheesecake, start a day ahead by making the macerated cherries

Macerated Cherries
20 cherries (pitted)
1 cup cherry brandy
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp lemon juice

Combine all ingredients and let it soak overnight.

10 Arnott’s shredded wheatmeal biscuits
60g pistachio
2 tablespoons (packed) golden brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 cup water
15g gelatin powder
340g Philadelphia-brand cream cheese, room temperature
250g heavy whipping cream
140g caster sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 cup chopped macerated cherry
1 drop of pink food colouring


For crust:

1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Blend first 4 ingredients in processor until crackers are finely ground. Add melted butter and vanilla; process until moist crumbs form.

2. Press crumb mixture onto 8-inch-diameter springform pan. Bake crust until deep golden brown, about 15 minutes. Cool.

For filling:
1. Pour 1/4 cup water into small saucepan; sprinkle gelatin over. Let stand 10 minutes. Stir over very low heat just until gelatin dissolves. Set aside.

2. Blend cream cheese, sugar, lemon juice and food colouring in processor until smooth (about 2-3 minutes on medium speed). With machine running, add warm gelatin mixture through feed tube and blend well. Turn the mixer speed to low and add berries puree until smooth. Add in cream and beat until mixture is well combine. Pour filling into crust. Chill until set about 4 hours.

Chocolate Mirror Glaze (镜面巧克力淋酱)

80ml water
50g caster sugar
4g gelatin
30g cocoa powder
80ml thicken cream

1. Pour water over gelatin powder in a heat proof bowl. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Then sit the bowl over a double boiler, stir the gelatin until it dissolves. Sift in cocoa powder and stir well.

2. Add sugar to cream, in a saucepan heat the cream and sugar until sugar dissolves. Add in cocoa mixture and mix well. Pour over chilled cheesecake and set for overnight.

Recipe adapted from:
Cherry Cheesecake - Helena’s kitchen
Chocolate Mirror Glaze – Carol自在生活

Ingredients: (Make 5-6)
For Orange Panna Cotta
120ml milk

600ml pouring cream

150g castor sugar
(I used 110g)
10g gelatine powder

1 tsp finely grated orange zest
1tsp vanilla extract

For the mango gelée:
2 medium mangoes (make 200g mango purée)
100g diced mango
30g caster sugar
4g gelatine powder

1. Pour milk into a small bowl, stir in gelatin and set aside.

2. Place cream, sugar, zest and vanilla in a saucepan. Slowly bring to boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat, add gelatin mixture and stir until gelatin dissolves.

3. Set aside to cool for 15 mins. Strain mixture and pour into prepared moulds. To make the “angle” effect, arrange the moulds in an egg tray and tilt a little.

4. Refrigerate for an hour until panna cotta slightly set. In the mean time prepare for mango gelée.

5. Peel the mangoes and cut away the flesh from the seed. Puree them finely.

6. Add sugar to half of the mango puree in a saucepan and warm over low heat until sugar dissolve. Remove the saucepan from the stove and stir in gelatin until gelatin dissolves. Add the remaining mango puree and stir well. Add in the diced mango and let the gelée cool to the room temperature and pour over set panna cotta. Chill to set at least 4 hours.

Recipe adapted from:
Panna Cotta- The Australian Magazine, May 28-29 2011
Mango Gelée –Anhs Food Blog

我在巴厘岛买了这个napkin rings, 当天要用时才发现ring 很小怎样挤都不能把餐巾挤进去,于是就快快上youtube求救。。原来摺餐巾也是一门学问!

Luigi video clip -How to set up napkin rings

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Hazelnut Nespresso Chiffon (榛子奈斯派索戚风)




我今天学了一个新词“奈斯派索”  (Nespresso)。我原本都以为算了就用榛子咖啡戚风这个名,想不到google一下“Nespresso“竟然发现它也有中文名字喔!名字还挺厉害的!于是我的戚风也就这样为名了。。。榛子奈斯派索口味真的很好,名字也好像很“sat”对吧?哈哈哈。。


50克 葡萄籽油
40克 奈斯派索咖啡另加10克奶(一个咖啡胶囊可得40g小杯咖啡 + 10g鲜奶)
3粒 蛋黄
50克 低筋面粉
15克 榛子粉
5克 粟米粉

3粒 蛋白
50克 砂糖
1/4tsp 塔塔粉

50g corn oil
40g Nespresso coffee + 10g milk (1 nespresso capsule produce about 40g espresso coffee)
3 egg yolks
50g low protein flour
15g hazelnut meal
5g corn flour

3 egg whites
50g caster sugar
1/4tsp cream of tartar

1. 把油,咖啡和奶放入微波炉加热10秒 (大概40C), 然后烫入粉类均拌匀。 再加入蛋黄搅拌均匀既可。(注意不能过度搅拌)

Mix oil coffee and milk in micro oven for 10sec (about 40C), pour into flour mixture and mix with hand whisk well.  Whisk in egg yolks to become a smooth mixture. (Do not overmix)

2. 用搅拌机把蛋白打至气泡(我的手拿搅拌机有6号,我用中速3),加入塔塔粉,继续打至蛋白泡沫细密,再把糖分3次的加入,用搅拌机打至硬性发泡,最后用慢速(1号)大十秒,消除蛋糕大气泡。

Beat egg whites with medium speed (my hand mixer has 6 speeds I use speed 3) until you can see big bubbles, add in cream of tartar. Continue to beat until the bubbles become fine soft peak, gradually add in caster sugar and continue to beat until stiff peak. Change the mixer speed to lowest and continue to beat for 10 sec (this is to minimize the air bubbles in the cake)

Gently fold 13 of beaten egg white into egg yolk batter, use cut and fold  method until well blended.Then pour the batter back to the rest of the egg white and fold until mixture is well blended.


Bake in pre-heated oven on lower rack150c for 35mins.

4.  取出蛋糕,倒扣在桌子上,待完全冷却。
Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cooled.   

Recipe refer to: Helena's Kitchen ,Jane‘s Corner

Monday 10 December 2012

Amaretti Cookies (意大利杏仁饼干)

当我看到这Amaretti Cookie (意大利杏饼干)的材料时,第一个在我脑海里的出现的就是“我很丑,但是我很温柔”这句话。怎么说呢。。单看材料方面,这个曲奇和法式美得不可高攀的马卡龙几乎相近,但是Amaretti曲奇却是如此朴素,没有华丽的外观但是却胜在做法几乎接近“零“难度,外脆内软的口感,充满杏仁香味,我怎么不可以联想到我很丑,但是我很温柔(我很好吃)这句话呢。

完成面团,上下真的不费两分钟的时间,这样的饼干,不需费思量,想什么时候做就做,造型也不花心思,就随意捏一捏成圆球,然后压上干果,洒上糖粉,就是一颗颗,香喷喷的Amaretti Cookie 了。当然,有些食谱也将蛋白打发至中性发泡,才混入糖和粉,但是不想麻烦的话,大可直接将所有材料混匀既成面团。我两者都试了, (杏仁口味的用直接法,榛子口味的我事先将蛋白打发),其实口感也没多大的差异。

参考了多个Amaretti Cookie的食谱,总觉得糖份很多,很甜的感觉。第一个杏仁口味的我已大量减少糖份但是还是甜,所以在榛子口味的曲奇,只用了一大匙的糖和一大匙的蜜糖,别忘了,外层还要裹上一层糖粉的哪!所以尽量将曲奇面团的糖粉减减减。。。

这个雪花斑斑似的曲奇,给Xmas Cookie Jar里增添几分气息哟!


        100g almond meal
        1Tbsp caster sugar
        1 Tbsp honey
        1 egg white
        1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
        Icing sugar for dusting
Almond flakes/ silvers
1 Preheat oven to 160C and line baking sheets with parchment paper.
2 Combine all ingredients together to make into smooth dough.
3 Make the dough (abt 10g) into small ball shape and arrange some almond flakes (or almond silver) on top and slightly press it down in the center. Place the cookie balls on the parchment paper and dust with icing sugar.

4 Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely before serving. They will be slightly chewy at first, but they will be nicely crispy as a day or two goes by. Store in a cool, dry place.

(Note: I substitute another batch of my cookies with hazelnut flour, taste delicious too..)

Recipe adapted from: Simply Recipes