
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Dora Birthday Cake (Happy Birthday To Matilda)

大概两个月前同事叫我帮忙他家女儿做个Dora 蛋糕。原本拒做大蛋糕,因很多工,麻。但是我很久都没有弄翻糖大蛋糕了,心和手都有点痒痒了,于是答下来。网路了一下,看到Sweet Picasso Cake Creations的蛋糕造型和好而且也不,所以我也依葫芦,做了个大同小异Dora 蛋糕。



Tuesday 13 May 2014

Matcha Castella (抹茶长崎蛋糕)

这次去日本吃了几家的长崎蛋糕,其实家家都好, 毕竟就是那几样食材打发烘出来的蛋糕,差异不会很大。只是有的口感有比较Q,有的就是很单纯是蜂蜜鸡蛋糕的质地,有的甜一点,有的上面加了粗糖,就这样变来变去。市面上比较普遍的有原味,抹茶和焦糖口味的。

我很期待再次尝试长崎蛋糕。今天用了姐姐家的食谱,但是做法还是跟了之前的分蛋式打发(嘻嘻,我不擅长全蛋式打发,所以走捷径)。老实说,我不知道为什么要用木模,但是做了几次,觉得除了上下的蛋糕皮都能烤的很好之外,另一个特点可能就是蛋糕一定不会爆脸, 也是只就是木模的秘密。


80 細砂糖
40 蜂蜜,
 10克 水麦芽
75 奶,
55 高粉,(过筛)
90 低粉 过筛
1 小匙抹茶粉
50 溶化牛油

1 蛋白用拌机打至蛋白呈小气泡,慢慢加入幼糖,继续打至干性泡。

2 逐一加入蛋黄,继续6 我的打蛋器前面27档,接下来5档)。

3 预热烤箱160C崎木框模入两蛋糕,然后用锡纸裹着木框外。将整理好的模型放在一个烤上。

4 将打蛋器至最小档,慢慢加入筛过的面粉和抹茶粉至完全拌匀。

5 将牛奶,水麦芽和蜜糖放入一小容器里,微波炉温1015秒)。

6 将面糊取出小部分和温的蜜糖牛奶麦芽糖快速拌匀。然后再快速拌入融化奶油。把拌入蜜糖和牛油的小部分面糊倒入主面糊里拌匀。

7 将面糊倒入的木框里。将烤在桌上轻轻敲几下,震出小气泡。

8 送入预热的烤箱, (中下层),烘60

9 出炉后,用一蛋糕盖着蛋糕面然后倒扣。移放在网架上冷切(大概15),再将蛋糕倒扣回来。继续在网架上冷切。

10 将冷却好的蛋糕,用蛋糕包好,在用保鲜纸包好,装入密封容器里,放入冰箱,隔天享用。

Recipe adapted from: Jane's Corner


250g egg (abt 5 nos) (separate yolks and whites)
80g caster sugar
40g honey
10g maltose
75g milk
¼ tsp salt
55g high protein flour (sifted)
90g low protein flour (sifted)
1 tsp matcha powder
50g melted butter


1.            Line wooden castella mould and place it in a cake pan. Preheat oven to 160C.

2.            Put milk in a bowl and microwave for 10 seconds to warm. Stir in maltose sugar and honey  until melted and well incorporated. Melt the butter and set aside for later use.

3. ) In a large mixing bowl beat egg whites till soft peak. Then, slowly add in the sugar. Beat until stiff peak and the egg white batter will becomes thick and glossy.

4. )Next beat in egg yolks, one at a time. Beat well until mixture turns to a pale white color or approximately 6 minutes.

5. ) Switch your mixer to the lowest setting . Then add sifted flour and matcha powder slowly until mixture well incorporated. (Do not over mix)

6.) Then , scoop about ¼ batter out into a big bowl. slowly pour the  warm honey mixture into the 1/4 batter until well mixed.  Follow by folding in the melted butter until well incorporated.

7)Pour the honey batter back to the main batter. Fold until well mixed.

7.) Pour the batter into lined wooden mould. Gently drop the baking pan on the bench top to minimize air bubbles.

7.) Place pan in between the two filled pans with water. Bake for about 60 minutes or until golden brown.

8.) Once the cake is done, remove from oven, place a non-stick parchment paper on top of the cake and follow by another cake pan, turn up side down the cake. Cool on a wire rack.

9.) When the cake is cool enough to handle but still warm (about 15mins), invert the cake again, remove the pan and wooden box. Continue to cool on a wire rack.

10.) Once cake is cooled, wrap nicely with paper and film. Refrigerate overnight.

I'm submitting this post to Little Thumbs up (May 2014: Milk) organised by Bake For Happy Kids, and My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Tze of Awayofmind Bakery House.