
Saturday 21 February 2015

Farm Cake



Friday 13 February 2015

蜂巢饼 (Kuih Loyang)

一直在找好吃的蜂巢饼食谱,寻寻觅觅看到mmasoic的食谱有点不一样,有加玉米粉和糯米粉。看到她写上“脆脆脆”,我心里就觉得有信心了。跟Wing商讨了一轮,糯米粉喔,会不会变黏黏一团出来。。我说不要紧啦,试试,这个糕的材料不是很贵,值得一试。起初就只做半份的材料,做半份料我就用两粒蛋,觉得炸出来的糕脸上泡泡很多,就好像“油炸蛋”蛋表面会被炸得起很多泡泡。 后来又再试多半份,把蛋减少了,出来的效果好多了,糕也还是脆的。很喜欢这个食谱,糕除了脆外,也很容易脱模和操作。


糯米粉    100g
粘米粉    100g
玉米粉    100g
          5 (我用2 粒蛋)
          100g (我用120g)

1. 将所有材料拌均匀,再把面糊,除去多余的粒。(蛋稍微打散就好,不要打得太发不然泡泡很多,炸出来的糕表面也会呈现很多泡泡)

2. 以中火烧热油,将蜂模放入烧热,取出模,轻轻一下,将模上多余油洒掉。模太油也是很沾得上迷糊的。

3. 然后沾上米糊,沾面糊,粉不可以盖模型,不然不会脱模。(听到小小的吱吱声,就了!太大的吱吱声表示模型太

4. 将沾了面糊的模放入里炸几秒后,将模拿起在油里轻轻晃,窝饼脱模。

5.  窝饼脱模后,但表面色稍微金黄色,将它翻再炸一下,呈金黄色,就将它起放在已上吸油的大里。

6. 待凉后,收封密罐子里。

食谱: mmasoic

I’m submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone
Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade Cookies
organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Victoria Bakes

Wednesday 11 February 2015

年饼两款- 花生饼和杏仁饼

姐姐这个食谱已经做了好几回,觉得很好吃。上个星期看到橱柜里有剩一包市售的roasted peanut,就快快把它用来做这个糕饼。我家老公也大爱,一个接一个吃不停。第二天去探访姐姐,她说也做了花生饼,是自己烘的花生,还要处理掉花生皮,这样的花生饼才会更香。没有比较还不知道,一比下去才知道原来没有偷工的原料做出来的花生饼实在太好吃了。从姐姐家里拿了一罐回家,我家老公吃了后,赞不绝口,竟然弹我的饼不香,她说姐姐的饼吃过后有好像吃“lamb chop”的香味,回味无穷。。嘻嘻。。真是莫名奇妙,怎么会跑出一个羊排味??
定论:- 从此之后,要做花生饼,再麻烦也要自己烤花生。


这里也介绍一下简单好吃的杏仁食谱,没有很多材料,容易操作的一款年饼。当你last  minute 还没有想到要做什么年饼的话,,也许这是不错的选择。

Peanut Cookies

  200g peanuts, fried/roasted and ground until fine
  30g fine sugar, 50g brown sugar
  150g plain flour
  2tbsp peanut butter
  100ml peanut oil
  1 yolk for glazing, some pine nuts for deco
1.            Put ground toasted peanuts, flour and sugar in a mixing bowl.
2.            Mix in peanut butter.
3.            Add in the oil. Stir and mix until the mixture comes together to form a soft pliable dough. (If too dry then you can add a bit more oil)
4.            Pre-heat oven to 170C.
5.            take a little dough and roll them into small balls then place on the baking tray with baking paper.
6.            Glaze the top with egg wash and arrange a pine nut on top of each cookie. 
7.            Bake cookies for 15-18 minutes or until light golden brown. 

Almond Cookies

160g almond meal, 150g plain flour, 1tbsp corn flour
45g icing sugar
100g oil
1 yolk for glazing, some sliced almonds for deco
1.            In a mixing bowl sift in flour, almond meal and corn flour. 
2.            Then sift in icing sugar and mix well. 
3.            Add in the oil. Stir and mix until the mixture comes together to form a soft pliable dough. (If too dry then you can add a bit more oil)
4.            Pre-heat oven to 170C.
5.            take a little dough and roll them into small balls then place on the baking tray with baking paper.
6.            Glaze the top with egg wash and arrange almond slices on top of each cookie. 
7.            Bake cookies for 15-18 minutes or until light golden brown.

I’m submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone
Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade Cookies
organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Victoria Bakes