
Tuesday 4 December 2012

潮州饭桃+ Albany Perth之旅

今天正式去新医院上班,第一天的orientation听到累到半命。虽然做了几十年工,难免第一天有点难适应,心里一直想回家,一直在看手表。 。还要做功课,明天要考试tim!还有一大堆online training要做,我很烦啊!!明明就是预备回家做cookies的嘛,谁知道回到家已经累到不会煮饭了,还做什么cookies。。。呵呵!




Busselton Jetty is the longest wooden jetty (pier) in the southern hemisphere, stretching almost 2 km out to sea from the town of Busselton, Western Australia.

The Goose is situated directly on the waterfront in Busselton, offering exceptional view of Geographe Bay and Cape Naturaliste. We like to call in to the restaurant for breakfast on the way down south. (Jane & Melody)

Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk,Denmark

The Gap, Albany

The Gap is an impressive rugged granite channel carved by the waves of the Great Southern Ocean crashing against the granite coastline forming a spectacular sheer drop of almost twenty five metres.

The Whaling Museum

We were very lucky to see 2 koalas, one was sleeping deeply and the other was chewing eucalyptus leaves. Koala sleeps up to 19hours /day. We were very excited to see one was awake and took plenty of photos..hehe….   

White Kangaroo

We didn’t have a chance to do BBQ at night so we decided to use to BBQ facility to cook our bacon and eggs in the morning. Everyone enjoyed the simple yet fun breakfast.