
Monday 17 June 2013

Kuih Talam Infused With Lemongrass & Kaffir Lime

人上了年纪,体力真的大不如前。我自认出现了心有余而力不足的症状。给Winnie蛋糕磨了一下,整个人陷入休克状态,有好几天都不愿意煮饭,情愿请我老公到外面吃都不愿意开炉。。呵呵!礼拜那天下班时同事问我,你现在又去那里做double shift。。我说啊,我已经在一年前不干double shift了,我的身体电池到下午三点就只会出现battery lowwarning了。

但是手不做,口一直吃,存货都给我吃光光了,还是做个简单的糕点过过瘾。我的番薯本来就打算做几个甜甜圈的,搁着搁着最后竟然换plan 。。哎哟哟。。我就是善变又贪吃,心想一样头脑想另一样。。。结果甜甜圈没有出来,跑了 kuih talam出来。


Bottom Layer
300 g sweet potato, steamed-cooled, then mashed
225 g sugar (I used 100g) 
300 ml coconut milk
70 g tapioca flour
35 g rice flour
1/2 tsp salt

Top Layer
300ml coconut milk
55 g rice flour
1/2 tsp salt, or according to your taste

Additional ingredients:
2 lemongrass, discard the outer layer, cut into pieces - bruised
5 kaffir lime leaves

Heat 600 cc coconut milk with lemongrass, and kaffir lime leave until you see bubbles just start to appear around the edge. Remove from the heat. Let steep until coconut milk is cool completely. Strain, and discard lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves.

Place the steamer on top of the stove set over medium high heat. Place a 9-inch cake pan that has been lightly coated with oil inside the steamer, about 5 minutes. (I used individual tart mould)

Meanwhile, mix together mashed sweet potato, sugar, tapioca, sweet rice flour, salt, and 300 cc cooled coconut milk. Pour into a cake pan, steam on a medium heat for 10 to 20minutes ( I steam mine 12-15minutes), or until set.

In a separate bowl, mix the remaining 300 cc coconut milk, tapioca flour, rice flour, and salt. Pour this mixture directly on top of the sweet potato layer. Steam for 10 to 15 minutes until top layer is set. Remove from the heat, and cool completely before de-mould.

Recipe adapted fromElra’s Cooking