
Monday 29 October 2012

蔓越莓轻乳酪蛋糕 (Cranberry Cotton Light Cheesecake)


轻乳酪蛋糕一般都用水浴法来烘的,但是也看到很多朋友用了水蒸法来做。 之前自己也很混乱,什么是水浴法?到底水浴法是要用烧水还是冷水??翻查一下资料,结果看到这篇稿文就一目了然了。原来“真正的水浴法”是把装着蛋糕的烤盘放进另一较大的烤盘再加入冷水,才一起送进烤箱。若是把蛋糕盘放在烤架上而不是水里,那就不叫水浴法了。



125克 奶油奶酪,    
125克 牛奶,        
2个 鸡蛋,          
25克 黄油,         
25克 低粉,         
15克 玉米粉,       
1/4tsp 塔塔粉      
30克 蔓越莓干朗姆酒泡软,沥干

1. 奶酪加牛奶加20克糖隔水小火溶化。
2. 加入室温黄油溶化,关火,放凉。
3. 分开蛋白和蛋黄,蛋黄加入到奶酪糊中搅匀。
4. 低粉加淀粉混匀筛到奶酪糊中拌匀。
5. 模子刷薄油后,放一圈蔓越莓干。
6. 蛋白加塔塔粉,分三次加25克糖打至湿性发泡。
7. 混合蛋白和奶酪面糊切拌均匀,入模。多余的蔓越莓干可以投入面糊中。
 8. 烤箱预热150度,水浴法约40分钟左右。


125g cream cheese
125g milk
2 eggs
25g butter
25g low protein flour
15g corn flour
45g caster sugar
¼ tsp cream of tartar
30g cranberry soak in rum, drain

1. Add cream cheese and milk together in a small saucepan and stir over double-boiler until melt and mixture is smooth and creamy.

2. Add in butter and remove saucepan from double-boiler. Leave to cool slightly.

3. Divide egg whites and yolks. Add the yolks into cream cheese mixture.

4. Sift together cake flour and corn flour. Fold the flour into the mixture.

5. Lightly grease the mould with butter and scatter with cranberries.

6. Beat egg white until frothy and add in cream of tartar. Slowly add in caster sugar and beat until soft peak form.

7. Fold 1/2 of the whites into cheese mixture gently with a rubber spatula. Do not inflate the whites by over-fold the batter. Pour the batter into the remainder cheese mixture and continue fold it gently until blended.

8. Use water bath method, bake the cake on preheated oven 150C for 40 minutes.