我和姐姐说我从没做过包,想试试看。 她于真的给我送来了大包粉和香港粉。
奶黄材料/ Custard ingredients:
鸡蛋黄2个, 2 egg yolks
白糖50克, 50g caster sugar
牛奶1/4杯(58克), 1/4cup milk
中筋面粉2大匙(22克), 2 tbs plain flour
奶粉1大匙(5克), 1 tbs milk powder
牛油1.5大匙(22克) 1.5 tbs butter
咸蛋黄 1粒(压烂) 1 salted egg yolk
Mix flour and milk together until smooth. Then mix in the rest of the ingredients (pic 1&2).
Mix flour and milk together until smooth. Then mix in the rest of the ingredients (pic 1&2).
2。放入不沾锅里,置炉上开中小火,边搅拌加热至熟且凝固成团,离火(图3)。倒在保鲜纸上然后卷成长条(图4),凉冻至半凝固,分成每个18克,揉成小圆球 (图5)。
Cook the mixture over medium low heat, stir constantly until mixture thickens (pic 3). Remove from heat. Glad wrap the cooked custard into a log shape(pic 4). Freeze until firm and divide into small portion, 18g each (pic 5).
Cook the mixture over medium low heat, stir constantly until mixture thickens (pic 3). Remove from heat. Glad wrap the cooked custard into a log shape(pic 4). Freeze until firm and divide into small portion, 18g each (pic 5).
200g大包粉 200g Bun flour
鲜奶 125ml milk
幼糖 50g caster sugar
1/2大匙食油 1/2 tbs vegetable oil
1。 将所有材料(A)搅拌均匀后,揉到光滑面团(大概10分钟)。加入食油搓匀。和面30分钟。
Mix all ingredients (A)until smooth (about 10mins). Add in oil and mix well. Rest the dough for 30 minutes.
Mix all ingredients (A)until smooth (about 10mins). Add in oil and mix well. Rest the dough for 30 minutes.
2。 将休好的面团分成小面团,每个35克。 然后包入馅料,捏紧(图6),收口向下放在一张油纸上。(包装说明没有再发面就直接蒸,但是我让包再休面20分钟才入蒸笼)。
Divide the dough into small portion 35g each and wrap with custard filling, seal the bun well. Place sealed side down on baking paper.
Divide the dough into small portion 35g each and wrap with custard filling, seal the bun well. Place sealed side down on baking paper.
3。等水煮沸后加入两汤匙的醋入水内可使包更白。大火蒸8 分钟。等两分钟后才开盖。搽上或喷上一层薄油增加亮泽。
When water has boiled add 2 tbs vinegar (to whiten the bun). Steam the buns on high heat for 8 minutes. Let the buns remain in the steamer for further 2 minutes before open the lid. Spary/spread a thin layer of oil on the bun to achieve a glossy surface.
When water has boiled add 2 tbs vinegar (to whiten the bun). Steam the buns on high heat for 8 minutes. Let the buns remain in the steamer for further 2 minutes before open the lid. Spary/spread a thin layer of oil on the bun to achieve a glossy surface.
I am submitting my post to Aspiring Bakers #19: Dim Sum Affair (May 2012) hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker